Private Equity Fund

What is a private equity fund?
Private equity funds are not publicly traded investment funds. They are typically reserved for high net worth individuals and institutional investors as an alternative investment class. A fund might buy and sell private or publicly traded funds.
How does Zen Exits differ? We’ve decided to put the FUN back into private equity funds. As business brokers who review hundreds of businesses every month, we occasionally find businesses that are underperforming for reasons that are easily fixed without a lot of day-to-day oversight. This is not to say that there is not a lot of work to be done, but we look for great businesses that need a little help to realize their maximum potential and then we sell them to some other lucky entrepreneur that gets a well oiled machine.
If you want to be an entrepreneur and be a part of the decision making process of running a company without having all the responsibility, come join our group of friends and family investors for a journey into business ownership with very little risk. Minimum investment size $50,000.